…retreats, festivals, events, wellness weekends…
Host a circle at your event…
A mindful, intentional space to reflect and reconnect…
Including a sharing circle as part of your retreat or event is a beautiful way to bring a sense of ceremony and community to your programme. Women’s sharing circles offer a space for women to gather together, reminiscent of the ancient tradition of shared wisdom and stories around the fire.
Sessions can be anything from one to three hours, and involve an opening grounding, reflections on the season's/full moon's energy, or a theme/talking point, followed by space to share, journaling, meditation, and seasonal rituals.
All my circles are beautifully put together, with seasonal flowers and foliage, blankets and cushions, candlelight, music, scents and incense, crystals and all the little touches that create a nurturing and nourishing space for deeper reflection and self-discovery.
Women who attend circles often say that they feel calmer, lighter and more open. Often circles allow us the space to share in a way we wouldn’t normally, meaning we can let go of the things that are holding us back or that feel heavy or difficult. They can offer a space for slowing down and taking time to process emotions, in an environment that is always free from judgement, opinion and advice, and instead welcomes deep listening and the opportunity to gather your thoughts in your own time.
I’d love to talk to you about how a circle space could enhance your wellness offering - so please contact me at emma@thewildcircle.space or 07885503836.
Event circles start from £100…
Working with me…
It would be both an honour and a joy to work with you to create a circle or ceremony at your event or retreat.
First, we talk…
The process of creating a bespoke circle begins with a conversation, in-person or over the phone - we establish what you need from this space, and how it can best reflect your event and fit beautifully into your programme. We’ll also talk about the best space to hold the circle in, the format, timings, numbers, and what to expect.
Then, I create…
I will then create a circle, or a series of circles, that best reflects and honours the essence of your retreat/event. I’ll share the details with you and offer a chance to make changes, should you wish to.
At the event…
The rest, you can leave with me. I take care of all the preparation, providing you with info for your marketing and so on, and then on the day, decorating the space, bringing all the little extras that we need.